Monday 29 September 2008

2 Top Videos

The 2 movies i enjoyed most was:

  • Telling lies
  • Jan Kounen

The reason i liked the 'telling lies' video was because it made me laugh in some cases, and it had a very good idea to it, the audio on that video was non-diagetic but this made me picture how the person was saying it and why he was saying it. The reason behind the video in my opinion was to show people lying in a different way to just seeing their facial expressions.

The 'Jan Kounen' video was enjoyable to watch because of the way i found out it was made. The way the video was made was by using 'stop frame' animation. The audio they used was made to look like it was diagetic but was actually non-diagetic.

Monday 22 September 2008


These two pictures show two different sides of a seaside resort. The picture showing the seagull is representing a more positive side to the seaside by showing a hot summers day and a calm current to the sea, it also gives us the impression that the seagull is relaxed and is not worried by anything due to the fact that the picture is very near to it. The other picture shows us a more darker/negative side to the to the seaside by showing us a picture of something that could be representing a youth mugging a man or starting a fight with him. By having the picture in a silhouette sort of effect it gives us a dark negative vibe.

Trip To Brighton Seaside

Here are a few pictures from the trip the class had to Brighton.

What Is Experimental Media?


my name is Henry and i will be giving you my opinion on what experimental media is.

i personally see experimental media as being something to do with videos and photography. With the word 'experimental' in it, it shows us that it has something to do with changing and annalysing something to do with videos and photography. I also see certain aspects in the media area to be seen in the experimental media area aswell, with such things as:
editing pictures or videos