Monday 13 October 2008

Narrative Structure

In this blog i am going to be explaining the way narrative and non-narrative structures determine a whole video. All of the videos we have watched so far have a beginning, middle and end with the exception of one. This exception is '1001 nights'. The reason that this has an exception is because if i changed the order the people talk in, it would not change the meaning of the video. However, if i changed the order of the people talking in the 'Telling Lies' video it would make the video not make sense and be very hard to understand. The narrative story effects the way we think of the video because if the video's beginning, middle and end was mixed up, it would make us completely not understand the video (only in certain videos). The way we expect to see a film is with a beginning, middle and end. If a clip or movie does not have a beginning, middle or an end then it may cause the video to be very hard or easy to understand. E.g. in '1001 nights' the clip does not have a beginning, middle or an end. However, it is very easy to understand what the clip is about.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Good Henry, Now discuss how the narrative structure effects our understanding of the work. Do we expect the traditional story line?