Wednesday 8 October 2008

Similarities and Differences Between Current and Past Artists

I am going to be comparing the similarities and differences between Koyaaniskatsi and Telling lies. There are many differences in the two clips due to certain things like dialogue. The dialogue in Telling Lies is all from people whilst in the Koyaaniskatsi video there is strictly no speech at all. There is also a lot of difference when it comes to background music. The background music in the Koyaaniskatsi video is consistent from what i saw and there is no gaps of no music. However, in the Telling Lies video there is no background music of any kind. One of the similarities between the two videos is that they are both diagetic and also, they are both to do with humans, e.g. the two of them are to do with where humans live and where they go etc. Another Difference is that i feel they both had a different meaning to them. I feel like Koyaaniskatsi was glamourising the earth as it was and i feel that Telling lies was to show that you could see people lying without having to see their facial expressions. I also saw that one similarity between the two was that there was both text in the videos. However, there was only one piece of text shown in the Koyaaniskatsi video which is the title whilst in the Telling lies video the whole video is showing text about what the people are saying or thinking.

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