Wednesday 17 December 2008


My evaluation of the video on a whole was that I thought I could have made it look a lot more professional. The video did have a good meaning but it only appealed to people who skateboarded. For example, if I showed my video to people who did not skateboard then I fell like I would have to explain what the meaning of the video was rather than a skater just automatically knowing the meaning. I would like to make a video that would appeal to a lot more people.

I feel like my video was not filmed very well, on a lot of the clips the filming was very jerky! I feel like I could have had a bit more equipment to film better like a tripod etc. i think i could have effected the sounds on the clips in the background a lot more due to the fact that some of the sounds were louder than the others. i personally enjoyed it myself but i think that if i showed the video to other people who are not interested in skateboarding it would not appeal to them and they would not like it.

The people i showed the video to said that they enjoyed it but that was only because they are into skateboarding and they are thinking the same thing i was when i made the video. The exhibition could have been made better and it could have been planned out a lot better. Also the DVD player was very hard to see due to the limited light at the place i held the exhibition this could have easily been sorted out by going to a little spot down the road or maybe even a different spot with more light showing the no skateboarding sign and also showing the DVD player aswell. I also think that the exhibition could have been better by having more people to watch it, this could have made the exhibition questions alot more variable.

I think that if i made questions on work sheets rather than asking the questions to the people it would have brought a lot more honesty and not felt like they were being put on the spot when the camera was put in their face.

All in all though i thought my experimental video and exhibition went well due to the fact that i enjoyed doing it, i enjoyed the movie itself and the people at the exhibition thought it was good and enjoyed it.

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