Wednesday 17 December 2008


My evaluation of the video on a whole was that I thought I could have made it look a lot more professional. The video did have a good meaning but it only appealed to people who skateboarded. For example, if I showed my video to people who did not skateboard then I fell like I would have to explain what the meaning of the video was rather than a skater just automatically knowing the meaning. I would like to make a video that would appeal to a lot more people.

I feel like my video was not filmed very well, on a lot of the clips the filming was very jerky! I feel like I could have had a bit more equipment to film better like a tripod etc. i think i could have effected the sounds on the clips in the background a lot more due to the fact that some of the sounds were louder than the others. i personally enjoyed it myself but i think that if i showed the video to other people who are not interested in skateboarding it would not appeal to them and they would not like it.

The people i showed the video to said that they enjoyed it but that was only because they are into skateboarding and they are thinking the same thing i was when i made the video. The exhibition could have been made better and it could have been planned out a lot better. Also the DVD player was very hard to see due to the limited light at the place i held the exhibition this could have easily been sorted out by going to a little spot down the road or maybe even a different spot with more light showing the no skateboarding sign and also showing the DVD player aswell. I also think that the exhibition could have been better by having more people to watch it, this could have made the exhibition questions alot more variable.

I think that if i made questions on work sheets rather than asking the questions to the people it would have brought a lot more honesty and not felt like they were being put on the spot when the camera was put in their face.

All in all though i thought my experimental video and exhibition went well due to the fact that i enjoyed doing it, i enjoyed the movie itself and the people at the exhibition thought it was good and enjoyed it.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Production and Post Production Diary

The way i thought of my video was by thinking of something to do with an interest but not make it completely on the lines of that interest. For example i chose to do my video on certain things that are stopping skateboarding rather than it being completely based on skateboarding. I also wanted to make the video emotional due to my passion for skateboarding and why it is trying to be stopped rather than built into a bigger scene. This made me want to base my video on the absence of skateboarding in places that have been skate stopped. I then thought of every skate stopped spot that used to be skateable and decided to use them in my video. Once i knew what i was going to film and where i thought of the camera i was going to use. So rather than using a camera the college was going to give me i decided that i could use my friends camera which is better quality. I then when to all the spots that used to be skatable andf filmed them in a way to show how the tricks would be filmed. This would make it easier for me to put the sound of the tricks into the video.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Exhibition/ Installation Plan

Time: Anytime it is dry.

Date: Anytime it is dry between the dates of the 6th of December to the 11th.

Location: At a no skateboarding spot.

The way it should look is 2/3 people standing around a mini DVD player watching my video. i will then be asking the people who watched the video questions to do with the videoand they will be answering them whilst i am filming. i will be also filming the place i am going to film the exhibition and i will also be filming the people watching it.

Wednesday 22 October 2008


Btec National Diploma in Media (Film and TV)


PROGRAMME TITLE: ‘What Could Have Been’


DURATION: 1 Minute – 1 Minute 30


AUDIO: Non - Diagetic

OUTLINE OF AUDIENCE: Anyone within the Skateboarding Industry

The outline of the story is to show people that there could have been potential in certain things that have been skate stopped (something that has prevented a skateboarder from doing anything on that obstacle). The way i am going to try and shiw this is by showing the absence of the obstacle/spot by putting the noise of the trick that could be done on that obstacle. i will not be showing any tricks be done.

There will be no characters yet I am still contemplating whether I should have interviews with certain skateboarders to see their opinions on security and skate stoppers.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

How These Videos Would Effect The Way I Would Make My Own Videos

The videos i have watched would inspire me because of the way they used certain different ways of putting there point across to there viewers. I liked the way some of the videos had text to show there main point whilst some had people to get people to talk about the main points but made it to you to think of the meaning of the video. The main thing that i will use ideas from is music in the background to show the mood of the video because i think it helps the viewers realise whether the video at that time is positive or negative. I also think that i may take ideas from the 'Koyaaniskatsi' video in the way that the video uses fast forwarding the scene or slow motion the scene.

Monday 13 October 2008

Narrative Structure

In this blog i am going to be explaining the way narrative and non-narrative structures determine a whole video. All of the videos we have watched so far have a beginning, middle and end with the exception of one. This exception is '1001 nights'. The reason that this has an exception is because if i changed the order the people talk in, it would not change the meaning of the video. However, if i changed the order of the people talking in the 'Telling Lies' video it would make the video not make sense and be very hard to understand. The narrative story effects the way we think of the video because if the video's beginning, middle and end was mixed up, it would make us completely not understand the video (only in certain videos). The way we expect to see a film is with a beginning, middle and end. If a clip or movie does not have a beginning, middle or an end then it may cause the video to be very hard or easy to understand. E.g. in '1001 nights' the clip does not have a beginning, middle or an end. However, it is very easy to understand what the clip is about.

Use Of Technology, Techniques and Styles

Today i am going to show you the use of technology, techniques and styles used in 'Koyaaniskatsi' and 'Girl Chewing Gum'. I think that the technique used in 'Koyaaniskatsi' is used very well due to the amount of technology they had access to in 1982. The technique i feel they were using was to show the viewers something in a very blunt way, for example, the way they put negative music behind a scene was to show that it is obviously a very negative scene. However, in 'Girl Chewing Gum' which was made in 1976 there was not alot of access to technology which made it a lot harder to understand the technique or style they were looking for.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Similarities and Differences Between Current and Past Artists

I am going to be comparing the similarities and differences between Koyaaniskatsi and Telling lies. There are many differences in the two clips due to certain things like dialogue. The dialogue in Telling Lies is all from people whilst in the Koyaaniskatsi video there is strictly no speech at all. There is also a lot of difference when it comes to background music. The background music in the Koyaaniskatsi video is consistent from what i saw and there is no gaps of no music. However, in the Telling Lies video there is no background music of any kind. One of the similarities between the two videos is that they are both diagetic and also, they are both to do with humans, e.g. the two of them are to do with where humans live and where they go etc. Another Difference is that i feel they both had a different meaning to them. I feel like Koyaaniskatsi was glamourising the earth as it was and i feel that Telling lies was to show that you could see people lying without having to see their facial expressions. I also saw that one similarity between the two was that there was both text in the videos. However, there was only one piece of text shown in the Koyaaniskatsi video which is the title whilst in the Telling lies video the whole video is showing text about what the people are saying or thinking.

Monday 6 October 2008

Review On 'koyaaniskatsi'

The 'Koyaaniskatsi' video inmy opinion is very boring! I think that it was too much about the same thing and it was too slow or too fast to fully understand what was happening. I personally think that the music in the clips i saw went very well with the videos.

Review On 1001 Nights

The '1001 nights' video has a very distinctive style to it. The reason i feel it has a distinctive style is because it is very negative in 5 different ways about the war. The video has 5 different ladys heads where they are telling their story of what happened with them in the war. However, i i think that it was not their own story and i think that they had read it out from someone elses experience. i think this due to the fact that when they were talking they were talking about bein shot in Iraq yet all of the people were english. The only way they could have been involved with that war is if they were from Iraq or if they were American.

Monday 29 September 2008

2 Top Videos

The 2 movies i enjoyed most was:

  • Telling lies
  • Jan Kounen

The reason i liked the 'telling lies' video was because it made me laugh in some cases, and it had a very good idea to it, the audio on that video was non-diagetic but this made me picture how the person was saying it and why he was saying it. The reason behind the video in my opinion was to show people lying in a different way to just seeing their facial expressions.

The 'Jan Kounen' video was enjoyable to watch because of the way i found out it was made. The way the video was made was by using 'stop frame' animation. The audio they used was made to look like it was diagetic but was actually non-diagetic.

Monday 22 September 2008


These two pictures show two different sides of a seaside resort. The picture showing the seagull is representing a more positive side to the seaside by showing a hot summers day and a calm current to the sea, it also gives us the impression that the seagull is relaxed and is not worried by anything due to the fact that the picture is very near to it. The other picture shows us a more darker/negative side to the to the seaside by showing us a picture of something that could be representing a youth mugging a man or starting a fight with him. By having the picture in a silhouette sort of effect it gives us a dark negative vibe.

Trip To Brighton Seaside

Here are a few pictures from the trip the class had to Brighton.

What Is Experimental Media?


my name is Henry and i will be giving you my opinion on what experimental media is.

i personally see experimental media as being something to do with videos and photography. With the word 'experimental' in it, it shows us that it has something to do with changing and annalysing something to do with videos and photography. I also see certain aspects in the media area to be seen in the experimental media area aswell, with such things as:
editing pictures or videos